Recycled Water for Residential Use in Lawn Irrigation

 In Recycled Water, Texas, water resources

This is an informative Article that I found while researching information on outdoor residential water use in the State of Texas.

Recycled Water for Residential Use in Lawn Irrigation

The idea of using recycled water for residential use in lawn irrigation, is seemingly still a new concept in South Central Texas. I say “new”, but possibly unfamiliar or not common practice is a better way to describe it. Which is surprising, because in the industry of land development, the idea has certainly come up in many discussions over the last decade… yet, the benefits are still not fully understood nor is it common practice. In my opinion, BVRT’s business model of working with real-estate developers to provide waste water treatment to optimize the water resources and distribute the treated water back to the homeowners for use in irrigation, is exciting and innovative.

~Mia Natalino